
Modern Storytelling

Humanity has always needed storytelling to be comfortable with its own existence. To understand ourselves and each other we need intertextual understanding with what has come before. What once was a bard at a campfire, is now a television episode, an ad campaign or an online user experience.

 As a commercial Art Director and a promo spot creator I approach the work with the following strategy:

  • I understand that in authoring a message I have a responsibility to the audience. How do they want to be spoken to? What do they need to know? How can this content benefit them? The message can only really be received if it keeps the audience first. 

    • There’s also a sense of forward thinking and inclusivity with messaging. Storytelling is a truism for all of humanity for all of time. What works for one persona may offend another. Being mindful of the message for the big picture protects brand equity. 

  • Who is the hero? In story cycles there’s a protagonist and an antagonist. Why should the audience admire your product / service / message? How do we make the end-user their own hero? 

  • Personas! Who do we want to listen to our story? Who else is speaking to our audience? What are they saying? What does our audience like? In the ever changing “new normal” of post COVID life, what does the audience need from your brand?

  • A passion for the work creates content that inspires passion in the audience. Regardless of the budget restrictions there is a joy to be found in storytelling.